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The Canadian School of Advanced PREP (Postmortem Reconstruction & Embalming Practices) is based in Ontario Canada with a mission to further the knowledge and skills of the North American Funeral Director and Embalmer by Educating, Improving, and Inspiring.


The Canadian School of Advanced PREP is affiliated with top educational facilities across North America and Europe to offer top end educational resources for all levels of embalmers.  From students just entering the embalming world to seasoned practitioners, CSAP offers new, innovative and constantly updated techniques and skills to improve the perceived value of a final visual goodbye literally revolutionizing our profession.


The Canadian School of Advanced PREP has a variety of classes offered from in-house education in a local facility or conference centre, to hands-on classes in partnership with accredited funeral and mortuary colleges. 



When someone dies as a result of traumatic or unforeseen circumstances such as a sudden, violent or accidental death, a homicide or after a severe illness advanced embalming techniques may be necessary to restore the individual to an identifiable and viewable state. We teach these techniques so that you don't have to say "I'm sorry, he is not viewable" often. 


An embalmer should inspect the condition of the individual to determine the extent of preparation needed in order to meet preservation and restoration needs. It is the embalmer's sacred duty to do everything possible so that all families are given the once-only opportunity to view their loved one, personally say goodbye and support the emotional needs of grieving family and friends, especially when the death is unexpected and tragic.


In cases where an autopsy was performed more advanced embalming techniques are also essential for a proper viewing. The advanced embalming curriculum includes multiple injection site techniques to ensure thorough penetration of the chemicals into the vascular system, hypodermic injections, advanced treatment of the viscera and more. 


Cremation is the preferred method of disposition in Canada by far, and recently the United States crossed the 50% threshold, but cremation does not automatically mean that the family does not want or need embalming. Everything can be done as usual with the cremation coming as the conclusion similar to a burial. Many families who desire cremation also want a burial of the cremated remains with a full graveside service. Our curriculum includes sessions and seminars on working with cremation families to erase our deeply ingrained assumptions that cremation is chosen only because it's cheap and foster the correct belief that cremation and embalming are NOT mutually exclusive. 

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26 Deerfield Drive, Cobourg, Ontario, CANADA

Tel: 905-376-3108

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